*Note all efforts are made to send notification by the planned date. Should there be any delays with the selection process, revised date will be posted here. Further information, including all relevant deadlines, guidelines, and categories, will be published when the system opens.
All submitted abstracts the comply with the submission guidelines will be peer-reviewed by a panel of experts in the field.
The conference starts with the Young Immunologist (YI) session. The six best abstracts from all those submissions, who specifically chose to be considered within the YI session, will have a talk. All abstracts not chosen for the YI session will be considered within their specific workshop topics in the scientific program for either a talk or a poster.
The two best talks from the Young Immunologists Session will be selected for the “Jochen Kalden Junior Prize”, named after the former DGfI president.
The awards will be presented on Saturday, September 10, 2022 during the closing ceremony.
All awardees will be informed in time and are kindly asked to attend the award ceremony. Please check your e-mail account.
The prizes are
Eligibility for the prize:
The presenting author must be an undergraduate, graduate, PhD, medical student or a Post-doc/ medical doctor to be considered for the abstract prizes.
Judging process:
The prizes will be awarded by the YI-board according to the scoring of the submitted abstract as well as on site presentation (oral presentation). Scoring of the abstracts is based on maturity and clarity of the abstract, as well as the work originality and contribution to the immunological field) of the work.