26 awards, 300 EUR each: AAI kindly sponsors awards for young investigators and clinicians at the Joint Annual Meeting of the DGfI and ÖGAI. Winners will be selected from the best oral presentations in the 20 workshops and all of the YI Session.

2x 500 EUR: The two best talks from the Young Immunologists Session will be selected for the “Jochen Kalden Junior Prize”, named after the former DGfI president. The selection is made by the DGfI-YI board and the sponsor is the Fritz and Ursula Melchers Foundation.

The best poster presentation of each of the five poster Sessions will be awarded with the Poster Prize sponsored by Merck.

With the prestigious EFIS-IL Lecture Awards, EFIS support its Member Societies to invite outstanding European immunologists to speak at their annual meeting. We are very proud to announce that two speakers will receive the EFIS-IL Lecture Awards from EFIS Treasurer Winfried Pickl: Emma Slack (Zurich, Switzerland, on behalf of DGfI) and Oscar Palomares (Madrid, Spain, on behalf of ÖGAI). Both will speak in Plenary Session 2: Microbiome and Metabolism on Friday, Sept 9, 13:30 – 15:00.